by Katrin Schiskin | Jul 12, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #17 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Dine at a Farm to Table Restaurant! Eating local, just-harvested foods supports local businesses, the Earth, and YOU! Fresh food has an incredibly high nutrient content and supports small farms who care not just about product,...
by Katrin Schiskin | Jul 8, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #16 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Visualize a healthy liver! Using the incredible power of your mind, see your liver as functioning at its highest vibration and structured perfectly to perform all of its 500+ jobs at optimal efficiency. Your imagination has no...
by Laura Graye | Jul 1, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #15 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Sleep Outside! If just looking at a tree can reduce stress, can you imagine the benefits of sleeping with one?! 😉🌳 From the calming sounds of nature, to breathing fresh, clean air, to being bathed in moon and starlight 🌕⭐️,...
by Laura Graye | Jun 28, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #14 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Forgive Someone (maybe yourself)! Forgiveness is the conscious decision to release feelings of blame (and sometimes guilt and shame too!) around a person or situation which has resulted in hurt or pain. When we forgive, we free...
by Laura Graye | Jun 24, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #13 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Follow Your Intuition! Intuition is the KNOWING of something, often characterized by a sensation somewhere in the physical body (gut feeling, frog in the throat, tightness in the chest…). The more we are grounded in our...
by Laura Graye | Jun 21, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #12 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Trust! TRUST means letting go of any penchant for control and co-creating with the Universe, knowing that life is unfolding perfectly, even when it may look messy, unkempt and completely out of order. Today, surrender to a cellf...
by Laura Graye | Jun 17, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #11 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Volunteer in Your Community! Humans are wired for connection, and one way to connect with others is to give of yourself. When we give our time and energy freely, from the heart, we actually receive the greatest return of all...
by Laura Graye | Jun 14, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #10 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Smell a Flower! 🌺 All flowers contain terpenes, which give each bloom its distinctive fragrance. Terpenes are chemical compounds and when we take a deep, delicious breath of flower, the scent excites neurotransmitters like...
by Laura Graye | Jun 10, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #9 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Envision Your Favorite Color! Each color in the spectrum carries a unique vibration. Our “favorite” color often resonates with our own unique vibration and can serve to energize and elevate our being. When you...
by Laura Graye | Jun 7, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #8 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Hum a Happy Song! If you don’t know the words, HUM! Humming boosts immunity, respiration and blood flow by enhancing nitric acid production. Humming is a high vibe action where you can literally FEEL the vibration!
by Laura Graye | Jun 3, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #7 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Learn Something New! Exercise your gray matter to a higher vibration by learning a new skill, a new fact, or even a new perspective on an old belief. Tell us what you learned today in the comments, so we can all learn it...
by Laura Graye | May 30, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #6 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Hug Someone! Hug anyone and everyone! (But maybe ask first – consent is important!) Hugging releases endorphins and oxytocin, elevates serotonin and dopamine production and lowers cortisol levels. Hugging has some HIGH VIBE...
by Laura Graye | May 27, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #5 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Smile at a Stranger!Smiling shifts your body’s chemistry to a higher vibration. Sharing that same smile with a stranger also shifts your body’s energetics to a higher vibration! And smiling is contagious. It is also a...
by Laura Graye | May 24, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #4 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Walk in Nature! THE EARTH IS A FREAKING INCREDIBLY HIGH VIBRATION. Walking in nature grounds you in the here and now AND gives you a symphony orchestra of high vibes to lift yourself. Chalk up double bonus points if you walk...
by Laura Graye | May 20, 2022 | 333 Actions To Raise Your Vibration
Our #3 ACTION TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Drink Filtered Water! Hydration is vital – so is avoiding the up to 2000 types of toxic chemicals that have been found in public drinking water. Filter your water to toxin-free and use your re-usable water bottle. No...
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